Residential Real Estate

The secret to our exceptional Real Estate photo retouching
is having good systems and proper checks and balances in place.

Per client, we use a maximum of two retouchers who work closely together, and every project is double-checked for errors and consistency before delivery.

By keeping our clients’ accounts up to date, all of your instructions, feedback, and examples are studied by the retoucher before starting work on each project.

Residential Real Estate Editing

Exposure blending with luminosity masks

1 or 2-point-perspective correction

Lawn replacement

Brightness/contrast adjustments

Dust spot Removal

Sky replacement

Temperature and color correction

Subtle or full window pulls

Adding fire to fireplace

Reliable and consistent editing to help you scale your photography business. Join the best of your peers and work with our creative team based in Croatia.

One Stop Studio
For Busy Photographers